Bike Safety/Bike to School
Beginning in 2014 with funds from the Safe Routes to School grant, Boyne City PD created a bike safety program for the Boyne City Elementary School. Each spring, Boyne City officers present a one hour lesson to each 4th grade class on the rules of the road and ways to stay safe while having fun on their bikes. As part of that lesson, each student was provided their own bike helmet and shown how to properly wear it. For the first 5 years, the helmets were purchased with those grant funds. Since then, the generosity of an anonymous donor via the Charlevoix County Community Foundation has provided a helmet to each of our 4th grade students. Since it's inception, this program has provided bike safety and a new helmet to approximately 900 students. We frequently see Boyne City students in the community, wearing the helmets they were provided via this program. Also beginning in 2014, we started a Bike to School day to coincide with culmina...