Mission and Values

Core Values


Integrity is described as having “excellence of character.” It means keeping promises and fulfilling expectations. People of integrity reflect a set of core values that guide them in speech and action. Boyne City Police Department core values include:


HONESTY             In addition to truthfulness, honesty also means being humble 

enough to admit being wrong or that one does not know something.

FAIRNESS           Remaining impartial, regardless of personal feelings. Actions must 

not be influenced by prejudgment or perceived attitude.

LOYALTY           There must be trust in all primary relationships: officer-citizen, 

officer-officer, and officer-supervisor.

OPENNESS          The ability to communicate freely between all levels is critical. There 

can be no improvement when officers fear to ask questions or make 


RESPECT             Founded in an inherent belief in human dignity and preservation of 

individual and constitutional rights.

MOTIVATION        The Department can provide incentives, but motivation comes from 

within each individual.

COURAGE            The mean between the extremes of cowardice and foolhardiness. In 

police work, the difference between the two is critical.

JUDGEMENT        Application of practical wisdom; the ability to unscramble conflict 

and take the appropriate action (or inaction).

RESPONSIBILITY Intending to do the right thing; knowing what the right thing is, and 

understanding the consequences. A person with integrity does not 

evade responsibility through excuses.


We are a team of professionals recognizing the value of diversity and individual worth. We are well trained and equipped to accomplish our mission in a fair; efficient, effective and safe manner. We believe in the dignity of all people and respect individual and constitutional rights.


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